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Mad Bears Club

(1 review)

We provide Web3 alpha tools and education courses about crypto, NFT and stock markets.

Get access to educational courses and our alpha tools.

30+ Discord channels
We provide alpha tools for NFT, crypto and stock market anyalysis in more than 30 private Discord channels.
Web3 education
We provide access all our Web3 education courses about crypto, NFT and stock markets from our mooncash.io website.
Crypto and NFT signals
We provide crypto signals with good buy/sell opportunities, new CEX listings alerts NFT signals with profitable calls.
Educational guides
We provide comprehensive educational guides about NFT and crypto markets.
Web3 job board
We provide access to web3 job board provide your actual vacancies in Web3 space.
We provide ChatGPT Discord integration with paid API and fast and immediate answers from ChatGPT.
Gain access to thousands of hours of engaging lessons and trade ideas.
Regular updates
All our alpha tools and courses get regular updates!
Customer Q&A

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Customer reviews
5 out of 5
(1 reviews)
User avatar
10 months ago
Great alpha tools and education courses! Really enjoyed them!
About the seller
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Mad Bears Club
Trading • Crypto

1 review

Mad Bears Club is an investment company focused on crypto markets. We launch NFT collections to raise capital and provide income for our holders with farming. We have our governance token BEAR. We run alpha tools for comprehensive market analysis. We have our Web3 media and Web3 education website. We accept funds for asset management. Our mission is generating superior, long-term investment returns and our holders prosperity.

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